Lead with Luv – The Southwest Airlines Way

Lead with Luv

Southwest Airlines has a remarkable record of success and effectiveness (see my June 21, 2014 post on The Southwest Airlines Way). They’ve done it by building a unique culture. On May 2, 2013, Colleen Barrett (President and Corporate Secretary from 2001-2008) visited us at the Johnson Space Center on Innovation Day and shared Southwest’s secrets to success.

She also captured many of those not-so-secret secrets in a uniquely-written interview with Ken Blanchard in Lead with Luv: A Different Way to Create Real Success. As Kevin Krone (VP of Marketing, Sales, & Distribution for Southwest Airlines) put it, “Colleen teaches us that love is what matters and that you have to lead with your heart and know that the heart will take you in the right direction.”

Click here to learn more.

10 Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World

Leaders Make the Future

A couple of years ago, I was reading a Center for Creative Leadership newsletter, when they referenced a collaboration they had with the Institute for the Future that produced a book about the leadership skills needed for the future.

So, I picked up Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World by Robert Johansen & John R. Ryan. In their book, Johansen and Ryan outline ten skills, which are key to Out of This World Leaders.

I encourage you to continue reading to learn more.