John Maxwell’s 17 Laws of Teamwork

17 Laws of Teamwork

This week’s focus on “Systems” is a good place to consider the importance of Teamwork. At NASA, systems engineering and systems thinking are crucial to our success. To us, mission success requires an uncompromising commitment to: Safety, Excellence, Teamwork, and Integrity.

We describe teamwork as NASA’s most powerful tool for achieving mission success, through a multi-disciplinary team of diverse competent people across all NASA locations (9 other field Centers besides the Johnson Space Center where I work in Houston, Texas). Our approach to teamwork is based on a philosophy that each team member brings unique experience and important expertise to project issues. Recognition of and openness to that insight improves the likelihood of identifying and resolving challenges to safety and mission success. We are committed to creating an environment that fosters teamwork, collaboration, continuous learning, and openness to innovation and new ideas.

In 2001, John Maxwell wrote The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork.

Click here to learn more about those laws.

Patience: The Benefits of Waiting

Patience Pin

In my January 1st post this year, I chose “Patience” as the “fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5:22 as my developmental focus for 2014. As part of that development, I picked up Stephen Eyre’s Bible Study entitled Patience: The Benefits of Waiting.

Eyre starts the study by praying, “Lord, I want patience, and I want it right now!” Eyre explains that it’s often easier to joke about patience than to become patient.

So, how can you develop patience? God generally grows patience in you when you run into frustrating experiences; when others fail to meet your expectations; when people you depend on let you down; when the things you depend on keep breaking. Have you experienced any of those recently? Or how about this one? You call out to God for help, and he seems to be on vacation.

Click here to learn from Eyre’s Bible Study on this important Fruit of the Spirit.