Ready for Your Next Career Move?

Your Next Move

This week, I’ve meditated on the NIV Leadership Bible’s devotions about Leadership Development (see my last post on my “Mount Rushmore of Mentors”). That made me pause and consider my last year of personal and professional development…

Early in 2013, I was at a career crossroads. I’d served as Deputy Director of Human Resources for more than 3 years, and I thought there was more I needed to do to broaden my skills and prepare for increasing levels of responsibility. Then, I read that 70% of HR Directors in industry have worked outside the HR function.  Hmmm…I never had…

At the same time, we were discussing the critical role the front-line supervisor plays in employee engagement and organization culture. That made me think…what better way to “study” and understand the various challenges and pulls of the front-line supervisor than to walk in those shoes myself? So, after several conversations with leaders and organizations I greatly respected, I accepted a development opportunity as a front-line leader in our Engineering Directorate’s Crew & Thermal Systems Division.

To prepare for my transition, I read Michael Watkins’ 2009 book entitled Your Next Move: The Leader’s Guide to Navigating Major Career Transitions.

Click here to learn a few key takeaways from that book.

Are You Helping People Win at Work?

Helping People Win at Work

From last week’s NIV Leadership Bible, we learned that justice is often expressed in acts of mercy and compassion, particularly for widows, orphans, foreigners, and the poor (see Out of This World Leaders Let Justice Roll). In the mid-1990’s, I attended graduate school, pursuing a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management. In that program and in a variety of business publications since then, I’ve seen the advice that leaders should focus their time and energy on their A-players—ensuring a greater rate of return…

In more recent years, I’ve been on a learning journey related to Diversity & Inclusion (learn more about my journey here). From that, I’ve learned that leaders need to take care of all their people…not just the stars. To ensure success, it’s important that every member of the team be committed to the organization and engaged.

That’s why I like Ken Blanchard and Garry Ridge’s book – Helping People Win at Work: A Business Philosophy Called “Don’t Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A”.  To continue, click here.