Exhorting…Whether It’s Your Gift or Not!

Exhortation Pin

In Romans 12:4-8, Paul refers to the Spiritual Gifts given to Christians to strengthen the church. One of those gifts, found in verse 7, is that of exhortation. Exhorters are people who spur others on to higher levels of achievement. In doing so, they help their team members develop their own leadership qualities. Exhorters accomplish extraordinary things by enabling others to act. Some people have this natural gift. But what about those of us who don’t have the spiritual gift of exhortation?

Leadership is an art. As such, it consists of skills that can be studied, practiced, and mastered. Fortunately, this week’s devotions found in the NIV Leadership Bible help us understand how to better exhort and encourage people around us.

Is there someone you know who might be spurred on to great things as a result of your exhortation?

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How Do You Evaluate a Leader’s Qualifications?

1 Timothy 3

In Developing a Leader, Susan Ashford and D. Scott DeRue point out, “World-wide surveys of senior executives and human resource professionals indicate that up to 70% of North American employers experience a dearth of leadership talent.” So, where do qualified leaders come from? Ashford and DeRue’s research points out that “senior managers are often portrayed as responsible for identifying and nurturing high-potential leadership talent. Yet, nowhere in this equation is the individual’s responsibility for taking ownership over his or her own development as a leader…which is ironic considering that over 70% of leadership development occurs as people go through the ups and downs of challenging, developmental experiences on the job.”

Let’s see what we can learn from the devotions found in week 50 of the NIV Leadership Bible, which focus on Leader Qualifications. In these devotions, we specifically see God’s standards for leadership and Paul’s advice to Timothy.

Click here to learn more.