Government Shutdown Continued: Are We Negotiating Yet?


photo credit: verbeeldingskr8 Sorry, we’re closed via photopin (license)

After two weeks of government shutdown, our organization has scrambled to define the positions and people needed to support the lives of our astronauts aboard the International Space Station.  While many employees want to return to work (and know they’ll ultimately be paid, if the 407-0 House vote on retroactive pay is any indication), they are unable to do so.

Instead, we’re waiting on our Congressional representatives to take action and let us get back to work.  For someone who’s always believed in an honest day’s work for a day of pay, this situation is particularly frustrating.  It’s also tough knowing that many of my friends who work on government contracts may not be compensated the same way that I am…

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How could “Out of This World Leadership” improve our Government?

photo credit: Schteeve2010 Let’s Play Democrats and Republicans via photopin (license)

Today, we’re in the second day of a Government shutdown and employee furloughs.  It is extremely frustrating to watch the continuing divisiveness of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C.

We’re seeing the results of partisan politics at its worst.  The dictionary defines a partisan as “an adherent or supporter of a person, party or cause, especially one who shows a biased, unthinking allegiance.”  Hmmm…what if we didn’t have “biased, unthinking allegiance”?

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