I’ve appreciated Jon Gordon’s encouragement to “Get One Word” for the year. As he puts it, “When you discover your One Word for the year, it gives you more clarity, passion and purpose for life. The One Word exercise brings simplicity and focus. It cuts through the distractions and keeps us focused on what really matters.”
That has worked well for me over the past 3 years:
For 2021, I feel like an appropriate theme for the year is “Back to the Basics.”
To that end, I’ve chosen to study the “Apostle’s Creed” throughout 2021. In fact, I found a study on RightNow Media led by Matt Chandler that conveniently was divided into 12 sessions, giving a good monthly outline. So, my One Word for 2021 is Basic, which is defined as “forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental.”
Interestingly, Jennifer & I attend a Weekend Bible Study class at University Baptist Church named BASIC—an acrostic for Brothers And Sisters In Christ.
Click here for more about our Family’s One Word Focus for 2021