Legendary Service: The Key is to Care 

As we explore the spiritual discipline of service this month, there is no surprise that the lessons we learn cross over to our daily lives—and can positively impact organization success!

These questions are common:

1. Why is customer service important?     

Most answer that if their customers are happy, they’ll come back; and we’ll be successful.

2. What do you want your customers to know?  

Most answer that they want customers to know they care about them so customers will keep coming back.

Research shows that customers return because of the way the people make them feel. Sounds simple enough—let your customers know you care!

Ken Blanchard, Victoria Halsey, and Kathy Cuff took that idea to write their book entitled Legendary Service: The Key is to Care.

As the authors put it, “Leaders will discover how creating a Culture of Service begins with practicing a service mindset with their people so they will care for customers in a way that can significantly impact the organization’s bottom line.”

Click here to learn more about Legendary Service

Outward Discipline #4: Service

As the cross is the sign of submission, so the towel is the sign of service.

Luke tells us that “An argument arose among them as to which of them was the greatest” (Chapter 9, Verse 46).

Whenever there is trouble over who is the greatest, there is trouble over who is the least. That is the crux of the matter for us, isn’t it? Most of us know we will never be the greatest; just don’t let us be the least.

Gathered at the Passover feast, the disciples were keenly aware that someone needed to wash the others’ feet. The problem was that the only people who washed feet were the least. So there they sat, feet caked with dirt. It was such a sore point that they were not even going to talk about it. No one wanted to be considered the least.

Then Jesus took a towel and a basin and redefined greatness.

Click here to learn more about the Discipline of Service from Richard Foster