Be All You Can Be

Be All You Can Be

As we finish the month of January and the theme of “Leading Yourself”, consider how author Patrick Morley urges us to examine our ways.  He claims, “Most men lead unexamined lives.  They have not chiseled their life view by a personal search for truth and obedience to God.”

Our lives are often consumed in action, as we respond to the seemingly endless things that vie for our attention, time, and money.  Just as a lawyer or accountant is no better than the effort he puts into keeping up with his profession, so is the Christian no better than the effort he puts into self-examination of life’s big questions.

Lamentations 3:40 says, “Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.”

Let’s see what we can learn from John Maxwell’s Be All You Can Be: A Challenge to Stretch Your God-Given Potential.

Click here to continue.

19 Years of Family-Driven Faith

Tanner's Baptism (1-24-2016)

On January 24, our youngest son (Tanner, pictured front & center) shared his personal decision to follow Jesus Christ through Baptism at University Baptist Church in Houston, Texas.

It was a great time of celebration, as we were joined by the wife of the Pastor who baptized me in May of 1979 and many family and friends.  Pictured here, surrounding our immediate family are my brother, Blake, and his wife Kristen and their youngest daughter, Raegan.  My Mom & Dad are to the right of Jennifer.  I was honored to give a prayer of thanksgiving during the service–and I thanked God that I’ve now seen four generations of Christ-followers during my lifetime.  It’s a legacy that’s important to Jennifer and me, in particular.

Speaking of Jennifer & me, the following day (Monday, January 25th) marked our 19th Anniversary…  19 years = 228 months = 988 weeks = 6,935 days…and counting…and I find that I love and appreciate her more every one of them!

A few years back, one of the first books I bought on Kindle was Family Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes to Raise Sons and Daughters Who Walk with God by Voddie Baucham Jr.

Click here for my summary.