Ready for A New Year & A New Start in 2016?

Tomorrow, my Christmas & New Year’s break ends, and Tuesday the kids head back to school…so it’s time to make resolutions for the New Year!

I’ve heard it said that 80% of us will fall off the resolution bandwagon by Super Bowl Sunday (remember, it’s the 50th Super Bowl this year on February 7th).

If you succeed in reaching the goals you set at the beginning of the year, you’re in the Top 5 percentile.  In other words, on average of every 20 people, only 1 will keep her or his resolution…

Still, I’m convinced that we can do better…and it may help if we follow Andy Stanley’s Principle of the Path (“How to get from where you are…to where you want to be…”).

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How Can the Men’s Relational Toolbox Help You?

Men's Relational Toolbox

Nearly 3 years ago, Michael and Amy Smalley came to our church for a Marriage Conference. Prior to the conference, I picked up the book Michael co-wrote with his father (Gary) and brother (Greg) in 2004 entitled, Men’s Relational Toolbox.

Since I have many women in my life—from home with a wife & daughter to work with a number of women colleagues—I found many of his insights and tips very helpful.

Since we just looked at the importance of Relational Skills in the life of a leader, I figured this was a good follow-up.

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