Become a Person of Influence

Becoming a Person of Influence

Last March, I joined the John Maxwell Team (JMT). Soon thereafter, I sought out a JMT-Certified Independent Coach, Speaker, and Teacher in my area. I found Howie Short (see his JMT Web Site). Turns out, Howie is a member of my church—University Baptist Church in Houston, Texas—and recognized my family when he saw our photo!

Howie and I met, and he mentored me through my John Maxwell Team Certification experience in August. I appreciated his wisdom and perspective. Howie retired as a Colonel from the Air Force and continues teaching leaders today.

On Sunday, Howie will start a new class at our church—based on John Maxwell’s Becoming a Person of Influence. He gave me a copy of the book, and I’ll be his backup teacher, in case he misses a particular Sunday.

Click here for a summary of lessons from Maxwell’s Becoming a Person of Influence.

The Leadership Code

Leadership Code

Google “What makes a great leader?”, and you get “about 58,300,000 results” today! So, there are millions of leadership studies, theories, frameworks, models, and recommended best practices. But are there clear, simple answers we need for our daily work lives?

These three authors partnered to answer that question:

  • Dave Ulrich:  Business Professor from the University of Michigan and one of the ten most innovative creative and innovative management thinkers according to Fast Company
  • Norm Smallwood:  Fellow University of Michigan Business School Faculty member and Co-Founder of the RBL Group
  • Kate Sweetman:  Leadership Consultant and Former Editor at Harvard Business Review

Drawing on decades of research experience, the authors conducted extensive interviews with a variety of respected CEOs, academics, experienced executives, and seasoned consultants—and heard the same five essentials repeated again and again. These five rules became The Leadership Code.

In The Leadership Code, the authors break down great leadership into day-to-day actions, so that we can all become Out of This World Leaders.

Click here to continue.