10 Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World

Leaders Make the Future

A couple of years ago, I was reading a Center for Creative Leadership newsletter, when they referenced a collaboration they had with the Institute for the Future that produced a book about the leadership skills needed for the future.

So, I picked up Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World by Robert Johansen & John R. Ryan. In their book, Johansen and Ryan outline ten skills, which are key to Out of This World Leaders.

I encourage you to continue reading to learn more.

Practicing Greatness

Practicing Greatness

This Summer, our family took a trip to Colorado…to a place of fond memories from my youth.  My grandparents spent their summers away from the Texas heat in Blue Spruce Trailer Park near Durango, Colorado. And when I was 15, I decided to spend time with them instead of playing All-Stars in baseball. I really enjoyed the quietness of the mountains and the manmade-wonder of Mesa Verde National Park.

On our trip this Summer, I picked up Reggie McNeal’s book Practicing Greatness: 7 Disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders. I really enjoy reading in the mountains.  For me, that’s a great way to get closer to God…and this book helped me better understand His vision for spiritual leadership. I encourage you to check out what I gleaned from McNeal’s 7 disciplines of extraordinary spiritual leaders.

Click here to learn more.