It’s National Stress Awareness Day…Do You Know Your Boundaries?

It’s the day after Tax Day, and the Health Resource Network is sponsoring the 22nd National Stress Awareness Day today.  In fact, April is also National Stress Awareness Month.

Not all stress is bad.  A little bit of stress is good for us, but it’s important to keep it in check. When left to its own devices, it can lead to a number of health issues, from heart problems, to weight problems, to even depression and anxiety.

The important goal in identifying and managing stress is to find that optimal level within your ‘best stress zone’ that you need to work most effectively.  With too much stress, we can become overwhelmed.  At the same time, zero stress might have the opposite effect—complacency.  There is a fine balance that must be maintained to reach one’s highest potential on a day-to-day basis.

In finding what’s right for you, Dr. Henry Cloud’s 2013 book, Boundaries for Leaders: Results, Relationships, and Being Ridiculously in Charge proves instructive.

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Quiet Leadership: An Oxymoron?

Quiet Book 

My last post focused on decision-making skills, which are critical to a leader’s success.  How do you make decisions?  Generally speaking, extroverts like to talk things out…and “think out loud”…while introverts may quietly analyze the data or what’s being said.

When I was in NASA’s Leadership Development Program nearly seven years ago now, I was encouraged to “be loud” and make sure my “voice was heard.”  At the same time, I read Tony Dungy’s book Quiet Strength, which suggested that maybe my more comfortable leadership style and approach could also be effective.

About a year ago, I read Susan Cain’s Quiet:  The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking – the acclaimed New York Times bestseller.  In fact, our office even held a monthly discussion about the book over 4 months.  There are many insights to glean from Cain’s research and conclusions that will help you as a leader shooting for the stars!

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