Mastering the Art of Communication

The art of communication is the language of leadership. - James C Humes

Peter Drucker, often called the father of American management, believes that 60% of all management problems result from faulty communication. Having a message doesn’t matter if leaders don’t communicate it clearly.

Communication is the 4th of 21 Leadership Qualities spotlighted by John Maxwell in his Leadership Bible.

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What’s Your Level of Commitment?

What’s really important to you? What kind of commitments have you made this week? This month? This year? Are your calendar and checkbook aligned with what’s most important?

In John Maxwell’s Leadership Bible, Commitment is the third of 21 leadership qualities spotlighted. He uses the example from Stephen in Acts 7 as well as the growth in the disciples of Jesus from the Gospels to describe the importance of commitment to a leader.

Click here to learn more.