Are you a Spender, a Waster, or an Investor?

God's Investment Strategy

Are you a spender, a waster, or an investor…of your time, talent, and treasure? Week 32 of the NIV Leadership Bible focuses on the leadership skill of Stewardship.

This week’s devotions made me take a hard look at how I’ve spent my time over the past several weeks. For the last part of July, we took a family vacation to Colorado (or God’s country, as some people say). It was peaceful and relaxing…and making memories with our 3 kids was definitely priceless. I’d characterize those weeks as time well invested.

Then, I returned to work with a variety of issues needing immediate attention…then after work, my wife and I carefully coordinated our schedule, as we shuffled our kids to their evening activities: Katy to her clarinet lessons; Cody to his football practice; and Tanner to his karate practice. At times, life seems crazy busy…but I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time…

Let’s get a Biblical perspective on God’s investment strategies. Click here to continue.

To Conflict or Not to Conflict: Is That the Question?

Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means. - Ronald Reagan

No…that’s not the question. One thing is certain: as a leader, you’ll face relational conflicts. Week 31 of the NIV Leadership Bible focuses on the leadership skill of conflict management.

As a HR Professional for more than 20 years, I’ve seen and heard my share of workplace conflicts. Early in my career, I learned that when two people are involved in a conflict, there are at least 3 sides to the story that you need to understand! After hearing each person’s perspective, you can generally get a sense for the truth…which is generally somewhere in between the extremes…

Effective conflict managers know how to balance truth (confrontation) with love (reconciliation).

To consider how you can improve your Out of This World Leadership skills, click here.