The One Quality That Can Lead to Greatness

Roosevelt on Self-Discipline

Out of This World Leaders exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit that is described in Galatians 5:22-23. The last fruit listed is “self-control.” That was one of the Leadership Qualities emphasized by the NIV Leadership Bible from last year’s study.

Self-Discipline is also one of the 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader from John Maxwell’s Leadership Bible.

As Maxwell puts it, we must determine to lead our own lives well, before expecting anyone else to follow.

The journey of growth and success is first an internal one–the first person you lead is you; and you can’t lead effectively without self-discipline.

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The Foundation for Strong Leadership

Wooden on Secure Leadership

Security provides the foundation for strong leadership. When we feel insecure, we drift from our mission whenever trouble arises. We must feel secure, or when people stop liking us; when funding cuts arrive; when morale subsides; or when others reject or criticize us—we will crumble…

If we do not feel secure, fear will eventually cause us to sabotage our leadership…

Click here to learn more about the Quality of Security—one of the 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader from John Maxwell’s Leadership Bible.