Are You Fired Up or Burned Out?

Fired Up or Burned Out

Passion is one of the 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. Consider the benefits of passion:

  • Passion is the first step to achievement.
  • Passion increases your willpower.
  • Passion changes you.
  • Passion makes the impossible possible.

Without passion, it’s difficult to become an Out of This World Leader. Passion must, however, pour from a heart of a leader who is wise, accountable, submissive, and unselfish.

Have you found your passion?

Click here to learn how John the Baptist’s passion fueled his fire while Absalom’s unbridled passion led to his downfall.

God Gave Us 2 Ears & 1 Mouth…

2 Ears & 1 Mouth

James 1:19 urges us to “Be swift to hear (and) slow to speak.” Listening is one of the 21 Irrefutable Qualities of a Leader, according to John Maxwell. He says that good leaders motivate others by the following listening skills: avoid biased first impressions; become less self-centered; withhold initial criticism; stay calm; listen with empathy; clarify what we hear; and recognize the healing power of listening.

Through listening, leaders earn the right to speak into the lives of their people. Because they listen, they speak with relevance. And as they listen, they display love, compassion, and understanding.

President Woodrow Wilson said, “The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.”

Click here to learn from a couple of Old Testament examples – Rehoboam & David.