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#1:  Patience

It is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other.  – Patrick Henry

In 2013, I left my job as Deputy Director in Human Resources (the #2 position in the organization) to pursue development outside of HR.  Fortunately, I landed a role as a front-line leader in our Engineering Directorate’s Crew & Thermal Systems Division.  My title was “Acting Deputy Branch Chief”, which was quite a move organizationally.  Over the years, I’ve seen too many people—especially at the higher levels of the organization—refuse good developmental assignments because the role was “beneath” them.  Now, I’ll be able to look anyone in the eye and say, “I made that kind of move…and this is how it helped me…”

My rotation was originally supposed to be 12-18 months, so I could get a good sense of the challenges faced by our technical leaders on the front lines.  We had an engineer come in to HR for a 12-month rotation as Deputy Director.  Then, a few months ago, we learned that our Associate Director in HR (#3 position in the organization) would retire at the end of the year.  After discussions with our HR Director, I agreed to return to HR earlier and help try to fill the gap left by our incredibly talented Associate Director.  She always exhibited the “ability to remain calm and not become annoyed”…  I’ll need to do the same in 2014 and remain patient in my new role…oh, and the part about not becoming annoyed “when dealing with difficult people” is always helpful in HR!


#2:  People

I’ve never seen a successful organization where people didn’t want to come to work every day. – Gordon Bethune in From Worst to First: Behind the Scenes of Continental’s Remarkable Comeback

I look forward to my return to our Human Resources Office team.  We excel in the “People business.”  We also make sure our engineers, scientists, and technically-oriented leaders don’t lose sight of the people who make NASA great!

As my former graduate school (M.S. in HR Management at Texas A&M) coordinator, Pat Wright, and his colleague Ken Carrig note in Building Profits through Building People, “HR professionals cannot be effective unless they are passionate about making the lives of employees more productive and purposeful and unless they are committed to becoming strategic business partners.”  Wright and Carrig note that HR team members can have significant strategic impact when they

  • are smart about the business;
  • know what is expected of them;
  • determine how to influence most effectively;
  • identify what is right and practical; and
  • stand for what is right…not      necessarily popular.

Those are all qualities that I intend to bring upon my return to HR in 2014…


#3:  Possibilities

Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.  – Mahatma Gandhi

At work, I’m excited about the possibilities of 2014.  Our Center Director—Ellen Ochoa—just completed her first year on the job and seems ready to push her vision of JSC 2.0 even further.  While our HR Leadership Team lost significant experience in 2013, we will have new leaders step in with fresh ideas and new outlooks that are sure to push our organization to new heights…

At church, I just completed my 3-year commitment to our Deacon Fellowship leadership.  Jennifer and I continue to teach the 4th & 5th grade Sunday School class…at least through May.  So, I have some capacity to serve…and I’m “patiently” awaiting God’s direction…

At home, this will be a year of transition for us.  Starting in the Fall of 2013, we’ll have a high schooler (Katy will be in the 9th grade at Clear Brook High School); a middle schooler (Cody will start 6th grade at Clear Lake Intermediate); and one in elementary (Tanner will start 2nd grade at North Pointe Elementary).

And while Dad & Mom refused to get Katy an iPhone and Cody an iPod Touch, Santa chose to bring them both this Christmas.  We’re afraid this picture captures the “new normal” around our house —

Katy and Cody iStuff

Fortunately, Tanner still talks with us…a lot…or at least when he’s not trying to ambush us!

Tanner Army

Hope you’re considering your themes & goals, as you shoot for the stars in 2014!

My year is sure to be filled with Patience, People, and Possibilities…

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