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Happy Mothers Day

Mom was always a teacher — at home and in the church — even before that became her official profession.  So, what did I learn from her?  While I could detail many lessons, I’ll share my Top Five, which form the acronym G.R.E.A.T.

Give Generously

Prov 11 25

Mom lives generously.  Growing up, I can remember how even when we didn’t have a lot ourselves, she would look to support others (like the homeless man, who inherited Blake’s winter coat or the high school girl who needed a place to stay).

Mom also found a variety of ways to give her time, from volunteering with the schools to serving in a variety of ministries both inside and outside the church.

Watching Mom, I learned that it’s important to give generously of yourself:  your time, talent, and treasures.  As Proverbs 11:25 above notes, “Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”  I’ve certainly found that to be true in my life.  How about you?

Relationships are Important

It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving. - Mother Teresa

I’ve blogged before about my life as an Introvert and my quiet leadership style.  I definitely did not get those qualities from Mom!  She has a very complementary personality and style.  Mom has never met a stranger.  She can quickly build rapport and relationships with people, and Mom stays in touch with her friends, making efforts to stay connected and finding ways to show love to them.

From Mom, I realize that relationships with others are important.  At work, we talk about the importance of maintaining positive working relationships because “You never know who you will work for.”  I’ve seen that principle play out over the years, and some people regret how they treated others who ultimately were put in charge.

I think Mom’s life would say, “You never know who will need your help in the future.”  Therefore, build relationships with others, so you can stay connected and understand their needs.  Then, you can practice the love that Mother Teresa describes above.

Education Opens Doors

Eleanor Roosevelt Graduate Quote

While I was in High School, Mom returned to college to finish her degree in Education.  She realized that once her boys were out of the house, she would need to help pay our college bills!  Through a lot of hard work and perseverance, Mom graduated from college the year I graduated from High School.  We even had graduation pictures taken together!  I watched Mom work really hard to get her degree.

From those years, I learned that education truly does open doors.  When I completed my initial Cooperative Education assignments as a HR professional in Dallas then in Washington, D.C., I recognized that I would need a graduate degree to excel in HR.  Fortunately, Dad and Mom were very supportive of continuing education.  Mom — as an educator herself — recognized the value of the extra education, which certainly has opened great doors over the course of my career.

Always Smile

When you put faith, hope and love together, you can raise positive kids in a negative world. - Zig Ziglar

Proverbs 15:30 says, “A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health.”  Mom is always smiling.  Maybe that’s another reason she’s been blessed with good health.  You can always pick her out in a crowd because of her smile or laugh.  I’ve heard it said of Mom that “she smiles with her whole face.”  She surely practices Proverbs 15:30 and brings joy to the heart!

From Mom, I’ve learned the importance of keeping a positive outlook and finding ways to laugh or smile, even when life’s circumstances are difficult.  May others describe my attitude, outlook, and countenance the same way they talk of Mom.

Trust God in Everything

Trust God

Proverbs 3:5-6 from The Message says, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.”  Over the years, I’ve watched Mom live out this verse.  

Above it all, she places her hope and trust in God.  She prioritizes her relationship with Jesus Christ above all else.  And that’s how God wants us to live…

Thanks, Mom, for being G.R.E.A.T.!

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