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“Fear God”

When the Bible says to “fear God” or “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10), it’s referring to the ultimate self-awareness.  We’re aware of who we are in relation to God, and that gives us a healthy dose of fear, recognizing how He could choose to respond to us and our sinfulness.

Humility shows that we recognize His sovereignty, and He will ensure “riches and honor and life.”  Riches, in Solomon’s context, are not necessarily monetary wealth…but what we would describe as a “rich” life.

Pride, on the other hand, is a denial of who God is and what He does for us.  It’s an arrogance that says, “I’ve got this and don’t need you, God.”  This kind of pride also brings attention to self, rather than pointing others to God.


“Humble Yourself”

Jesus’ brother, James, echoes Solomon’s words, noting that when we humble ourselves before Him—again recognizing who we are in relation to God—He will lift us up.

Proverbs offers the following manifestations of pride:

  • Pretends to be rich (13:7)
  • Expresses his own heart, rather than seeking to understand others (18:2)
  • Gives an answer before hearing a matter (18:11)
  • Is contentious (18:19)
  • Lies to get a deal (20:14)
  • Falsely boasts about giving—to look good to others (25:14)

We need to watch for any signs of pride—how important or valued we think we are—and confess those to God.  The Prophet Micah pointed out that God requires us to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.  Again, if we walk humbly with Him, we will seek justice and mercy for those around us.

Jim Collins, famed author of the business best-seller Good to Great, studied the “Great” companies that fell.  In How the Mighty Fall, he noted a key ingredient common to organizations that fall over time is “hubris born of success.”  As Proverbs 16:18 puts it so well, “Pride comes before a fall.”


“Put Others First”

Paul urges us to focus on others first.  I appreciate the message echoed throughout the Scriptures:

  • Jesus First
  • Others Next
  • Yourself Last

That’s a key to lasting joy!

Putting others first also keeps us from a heart full of pride.  How can we specifically grow free from pride?

  • Seek others’ perspectives
  • Seek to learn
  • Ask questions

Interestingly, I attended a workshop on Innovation at NASA recently, and that was the same advice for organizations wanting to be innovative and on the cutting-edge.  Seek to learn from other leaders in your industry and even other industries.  Stay curious.  Ask questions.  Look for improvements.

To be successful in life and in business, I encourage you to ask God to help you develop humility in all you say and do, as you shoot for the stars!

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