Blog Posts

Are You Taking the Initiative?

One earmark of an “Out of This World” Leader is the display of initiative. By definition, leaders cannot wait for someone else to move; if they do, they are really followers, not leaders.

Initiative requires an element of risk, faith, and foresight. When did you last initiate something significant? If you haven’t pushed yourself lately and left your comfort zone, you may need a jump start in initiative.

That’s the tenth (of 21) Leadership Quality highlighted in John Maxwell’s Leadership Bible.

Click here to learn from a couple of Old Testament examples – Nehemiah & Jonah.

Are You a Giver or Receiver?

Candle Lighting Another

Leaders must be generous, predisposed to give their resources to others. They believe a candle loses nothing when it lights another.

When Out of This World Leaders err, they err on the side of generosity. If they err in paying salaries, they err in paying too much. If they err in firing a staff member, they err on the side of excessive emotional support, severance package, and affirmation. No leader gets ahead by mimicking Ebenezer Scrooge.

How can you learn to be more generous in your leadership? Check out these lessons from Boaz and Ananias and Sapphira in John Maxwell’s Leadership Bible.

Click here to learn more.