Blog Posts

Time for a Character Check?

We’re 31 weeks through the year, and we finished going through John Maxwell’s 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership from the Maxwell Leadership Bible. With 21 weeks remaining in 2015, we’ll cover the 21 Qualities of a Leader—also from Maxwell’s Leadership Bible.

The first quality is Character. This is critical to Maxwell’s Law of Magnetism which says “Who you are is who you attract.”

Click here to learn about Character from both Daniel & King Herod.

Your Legacy: The Greatest Gift

Your Legacy

Your Legacy is a compendium of Dr. Dobson’s thoughts about winning your children—and others—to Jesus Christ, because nothing comes close to it in significance. In fact, he notes that if your objective in life is to pass on a heritage of faith to those you love and to be with them throughout eternity, he suggests that you intentionally prepare for it now.

If you expect your moral and spiritual beliefs to be inherited automatically by your children without intentional training and modeling, consider the sons of Eli—one of the great patriarchs of the Bible. 1 Samuel 2:12 tells us, “Eli’s sons were scoundrels; they had no regard for the Lord.”

Do you want Your Legacy to be different? Consider the wisdom offered by Dr. Dobson.

Click here to continue.