Blog Posts

The New Role of HR Leaders

The Chief HR Officer Book

Last year was a year of development for me. I spent nine months as a front-line leader in our Engineering organization. I also read The Chief HR Officer: Defining the New Role of Human Resource Leaders. This book was edited by Pat Wright, who was coordinator of my Master’s in HR Management degree at Texas A&M University in the mid-1990’s.

The book provides a variety of tips and advice for today’s HR Leaders and outlines the various roles of the CHRO, including Strategic Advisor & Talent Architect; Counselor/Confidant/Coach; and Leader of the HR Organization.

Click here to learn the key points from that book.

Are You Growing People?

Grow People Pin

Out of This World Leaders effectively manage, develop, and grow the capabilities of their people, and they are not threatened when some of those people move beyond them. Many years ago, as I was involved in hiring people for our team, I would ask myself, “Could I work for this person some day?” That provided a good litmus test for whether or not the person should join our team. As I’ve progressed to higher levels of the organization, I continue to ask that question about people we consider for our team.

As leaders, we should always look for potential in others, treating even difficult people with dignity and considering the possibility of unleashed capability in them. This is consistent with Ken Blanchard’s philosophy of Helping People Win at Work.

Week 46 of the NIV Leadership Bible focuses on the important leadership skill of managing and developing human resources. Drawing from stories in Jeremiah, Proverbs, and Paul’s letters, we can learn a lot about this important skill.

Click here to continue.