Blog Posts

Patience: The Benefits of Waiting

Patience Pin

In my January 1st post this year, I chose “Patience” as the “fruit of the Spirit” from Galatians 5:22 as my developmental focus for 2014. As part of that development, I picked up Stephen Eyre’s Bible Study entitled Patience: The Benefits of Waiting.

Eyre starts the study by praying, “Lord, I want patience, and I want it right now!” Eyre explains that it’s often easier to joke about patience than to become patient.

So, how can you develop patience? God generally grows patience in you when you run into frustrating experiences; when others fail to meet your expectations; when people you depend on let you down; when the things you depend on keep breaking. Have you experienced any of those recently? Or how about this one? You call out to God for help, and he seems to be on vacation.

Click here to learn from Eyre’s Bible Study on this important Fruit of the Spirit.

The Importance of Discipline & Self-Control

1 Cor 9 Pin

For Week 43 of 2014, the NIV Leadership Bible focuses on the importance of Self-Control to a leader’s success.

In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, we read how the apostle Paul understood the importance of discipline and self-control. He trained for his daily spiritual journey like a world-class athlete. Why? Because he wanted to reach the finish without being disqualified. Like a runner during the course of the race, he didn’t stagger from one lane to another. Instead, he stayed focused on the finish line and ran a disciplined race toward the end. Similarly, like a boxer, Paul absorbed powerful blows without falling down. He built up stamina, so he held out for the final rounds…

Out of This World Leaders need to cultivate this same kind of fitness. Identify the habits you need to build into your life, so you can lead effectively—habits such as physical fitness, balance between work and home, financial and personal accountability, and proactivity in the workplace. Lace up your shoes, and get going!

Click here to continue.