Blog Posts

My Priorities: Faith, Family, & Fun

Aggie Football Game (9-2014)

During this Week 36 of 2014 (September 1-7), the NIV Leadership Bible focused on Priorities. Check out my last blog post to see the highlights of this week’s devotions.

I’ve blogged before about our family mission statement, which focuses on our priorities of Faith, Family, and Fun. We love, respect, and support one another and enjoy spending time as a family.

Yesterday, we had an opportunity to join more than 100,000 Texas Aggie fans to watch the first football game in the renovated Kyle Field. It was the largest crowd in Texas football history (104,728). That record will fall later this year, I’m sure…but it had to be overwhelming for the visiting Lamar University, as they fell to the #9 ranked Aggies 73-3. Our family enjoyed the Spirit Walk (with the players walking to their locker room—and my boys loved the High-5’s with QB Kenny Hill pictured above!) and the Corps march led by the Texas Aggie Band (the clarinet section is pictured above for Katy). It was a great family experience!

A few weeks back, my mother-in-law gave us the book Experiencing God at Home by Tom & Richard Blackaby. The book provides plenty of lessons for family leadership.

Click here to read more.

Are Your Priorities Clear?

No leader will ever lack for things to occupy their time and energy. In fact, many years ago, Dr. Mike Haro pointed out that many people in our organization (and I suspect this is common in other organizations as well) exhibit “more-on” (implying foolish) behavior. He explained that our culture drives people to take more and more work on…which leads to a lack of focus and can ultimately impact work quality.

This is where week 36 of the NIV Leadership Bible comes in. This week focused on the importance of priorities to a leader.

Every leader must answer, “Where should I put my time and energy?” Or, to ask it a different way, “What should be my priorities?”

Click here to read more.