Blog Posts

Are you an Out of This World Leader for your family?

This last Sunday marked the 100th anniversary “Mother’s Day.”  Have you ever wondered how Mother’s Day got started?

150 years ago, Anna Jarvis organized a day to raise awareness of poor health conditions in her community—something she thought mothers believed in doing. She called it “Mother’s Work Day.”  After she died, her daughter (also named Anna) wanted to honor all that her mother did.  Anna heard her mother say that one day she hoped someone would make a special day just for mothers.  So Anna worked very hard and even talked to presidents and other leaders to try to create a special day just to honor them.  Finally in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the 2nd Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.

For me, Sunday was a time to reflect on the blessings of my mom and my wife…the mother to our 3 children.  Jennifer and I strive to lead our family like Jesus.  That’s where Ken Blanchard’s 2013 book on powerful parenting principles from the creator of families comes in.

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Learning about Power from the Old Testament, a Mother’s Request of Jesus, and Kevin Durant

Weeks 18 & 19 of the NIV Leadership Bible focus on the importance of Power & Influence to leadership.  Power is essential to leadership.  Without it, leaders can’t lead.  Unfortunately, power and influence are not always used to help others.  If you’re a leader, you have power over others:  they listen to you, and you influence them.  What you do with that power and influence matters more than you may realize.

Last Wednesday’s Blog Post focused on 7 types of leadership power.  It’s important for leaders to understand their sources of power and how to best use them to serve others.  Today, we’ll take a look at what is arguably the most important source of power; what the Old Testament says about using power; and finally a mother’s request for her sons.  And, we’ll end with a great example of leadership power from earlier this week–Kevin Durant’s MVP acceptance speech…

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