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Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray

When I chose “Surrender” as my One Word for 2023, I looked for books to read that might be helpful.  When I saw Andrew Murray’s Absolute Surrender, I knew I had to read it!  His 1895 book entitled Humility was inspiring (check out my summary here). 

Andrew Murray was born in South Africa in 1828. He went to the University of Utrecht in Holland, where he studied theology and refreshed himself in the Dutch language.  Since rationalism was popular at that time, Murray’s father urged him:

By studying your Bibles and your own hearts I doubt not, under the guidance of the blessed Spirit, you will be led into all truth… Whatever books may be recommended to you, be sure not to neglect the study of the Holy Scriptures. This must be a daily exercise, and must be attended to with humility and much prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

In 1848, Andrew and his brother John were ordained by the Hague Committee of the Dutch Reformed Church, and they returned to South Africa to begin their ministry work. At the age of twenty-one, Andrew was given the responsibility of being the only minister in a 50,000 square-mile territory in remote South Africa.

In 1856, he married the daughter of an English pastor, and they had eight children together – four boys and four girls. After pastoring a few South African churches, Murray traveled to the United States and spent five weeks learning about Sunday schools, Moody’s revivals, and the Dutch Reformed Church in America. Then, he returned to South Africa where he became increasingly involved in Christian education and in training people for ministry.

After he turned 50, Murray’s voice became strained, so he was not often able to speak publicly. He would write out his message at times, and it would be read to the congregation by others. Throughout his 88-year life, Murray authored more than 200 books and pamphlets, many on holiness and the deeper life.

Click here for my summary of Andrew Murray’s 1895 book Absolute Surrender—you won’t be disappointed!

Celebrating Our 26th Anniversary with Relationship Grit

In Ephesians 5:25, Paul writes, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”  That sounds similar to my one word for the year—Surrender.

Last weekend marked celebrations of marriage. First, on January 15, one of our close family friend’s daughter was married.  It was a fun celebration and a good reminder of young love.  Then, on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Jennifer, Tanner, and I watched the Tom Hanks’ movie A Man Called Otto—which was a different celebration of marriage.  Both made me appreciate even more the gift of Jennifer and our life together.

In October 2020, during the throes of the pandemic, I read the book Jon Gordon wrote with his wife Kathryn, entitled Relationship Grit: A True Story with Lessons to Stay Together, Grow Together, and Thrive Together.

Click here for more about Marriage from the Gordons