Blog Posts

Successful Leaders of the Bible

Katara Washington Patton is a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.  She is a writer, editor, teacher, youth leader and minister.  As she put it, “God has allowed me to combine all of my passions with my career experience and education.”

She graduated from Dillard University in New Orleans Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Mass Communications then went on to earn a Master of Science in Journalism from Northwestern University and a Master of Divinity from Garrett Evangelical-Theological Seminary.

On Patton’s blog, she shares theological perspectives, cultural explorations, and her ideas on love, life, fitness, and health.

I learned about her work a few years back when I ran into her book entitled Successful Leaders of the Bible.

She writes, “Leaders are those who make a difference in someone else’s life (whether that’s a large group or just one person). If you look closely, you will see a leader within. We are all called to be leaders in one way or another, influencing, inspiring, and shaping one another’s lives.”

Let’s explore with Patton ten of the Bible’s successful leaders—how they met their goals and lived out their God-given mission to serve people:

  1. Joseph
  2. Moses
  3. Huldah
  4. King Saul & the Prophet Samuel
  5. King David & Nathan
  6. Tabitha
  7. Phoebe
  8. Peter
  9. Paul
  10. Jesus Christ

Click here to learn more about Successful Leaders of the Bible

Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders

As we continue a focus on excellence this month—from our Hero of Faith study on Enoch to Pat Williams’ Leadership Excellence, it’s appropriate to turn to a book that provides principles of excellence for every believer.

In 2007-2008, our family spent a year in Falls Church, Virginia, as I participated in a leadership development program at work.  For work each day, I rode the DC Metro and had the opportunity for some quality reading time.  One book I read that year was one I check out from the Falls Church Library—J. Oswald Sanders’ Spiritual Leadership:  Principles of Excellence for Every Believer.

Unfortunately, I was not yet highlighting leadership books at that time.  So, I had to re-read it and save my highlights in 2014, shortly after starting this blog.

This book—originally published in 1967 and updated in 2007—is now a classic, having sold more than 1 million copies!  In fact, over the last 55 years, Oswald Sanders’ Spiritual Leadership has earned recognition as a classic study of the biblical principles of godly leadership.

Click here for more about Spiritual Leadership