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Happy National Introverts Week!

Apparently, the third week of March is set aside for National Introverts Week—at least according to National Day Calendar.  It’s a week to celebrate the power of introversion, which I’ve blogged about before with summaries of books like Quiet Strength, Quiet Influence, and Susan Cain’s blockbuster Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.

Many assume that business leaders must be extroverts. After all, they are constantly in the public eye; they regularly appear on TV. At speaking engagements, they lead meetings, they’re master networkers and salespeople, and they have to be the face of their companies. But consider these successful introverts: Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft); Elon Musk (see my post about his leadership here); Ivan Misner (founder of BNI, the largest networking organization in the world); and Zig Ziglar (one of the best-known salespeople of all time).

And in the entertainment industry, there are powerful introverts like Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey, Meryl Streep, Steven Spielberg, and Emma Watson, just to name a few.

During National Introverts Week, achievement is not a matter of personality or sociability; it comes down to an introvert’s ability to discover and master the strategies to harness their inherent strengths.

As an introvert myself, I’ll celebrate the week with John Maxwell’s book The Self-Aware Leader: Play to Your Strengths, Unleash Your Team.

Click here for a summary

Ever Considered a Virtual Assistant?

Virtual-assistant Illustration by Delesign Graphics on Iconscout

Prior to 2004, Rita Toews from Winnipeg was writing books but had no way to get them to potential readers, so she started writing e-books. E-books were new, as few people knew about them. So, she created “Read an E-Book Week”—during the first week of March—to create a mass opportunity for one week out of the year for writers to get international publicity.

As I considered ways to celebrate the week, I turned to an e-book I read in 2020: Michael Hyatt’s The Virtual Assistant Solution: Come up for Air, Offload the Work You Hate, and Focus on What You Do Best.

Consider these questions:

  • Is your e-mail inbox completely out of control?
  • Does your to-do list feel never-ending?
  • Are you burning the candle at both ends?

Bryan Miles, Founder of Belay Solutions, wrote the foreword to Hyatt’s book, and noted, “I am blessed to help serve leaders all over the world with a daily, real, meaningful, tech-savvy service.”  His company provides virtual assistants, and he explains, “A humble leader is just flat out of breath but willing to get the kind of help necessary to creatively achieve more than they could on their own. They know they can achieve more if they are free to focus on what only they can do and leave the rest to someone else. These leaders are very driven and wish to get ahead and produce results, but they are humble and their humility attracts people who naturally want to work hard for them. Enter Michael Hyatt.”

Click here to learn more from Michael Hyatt about The Virtual Assistant Solution