Blog Posts

He Descended to Hell; On the Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead

Death is not the end.  Death is serious:  but not as serious as life. 

Consider the words of the 19th Century Hymn :

Death cannot keep his prey | Jesus, my Savior! | He tore the bars away | Jesus my Lord! | Up from the grave He arose | With a mighty triumph o’er His foes | He arose a Victor from the dark domain | And He lives forever with His saints to reign | He arose! (He arose) | Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Up from the Grave He Arose

Therefore, the dominant sound at a Christian funeral is not mourning but the singing of praise.

Click here for more from Myers, Chandler, Packer, Mohler, and McGrath

A Simple Message for Fathers & Sons

Men, do you want to see your sons and grandsons grow to become godly, mature men with integrity and spiritual convictions?

You’ll find inspiration in Steve Farrar’s character study of the Old Testament kings and the role they played in mentoring their sons, entitled King Me: What Every Son Wants and Needs from His Father.

Consider Deuteronomy 6, which provides a great job description for fathers:

Job #1:  Love God Deeply

Job #2:  Teach Your Son Diligently

Every son wants discipline & understanding.  It’s a father’s role to guide, providing correction and direction.

Fathers also can play a key role in helping their sons discover their God-ordained purpose, calling, and gifts.

Bottom line is that sons need a plan…and fathers can help.

I’m thankful my Dad has lived out this job description and supported me in my calling, encouraging me with my gifts and to have a plan for the future.  Thank you, Dad!

My Dad (Robert Allen Pyle) with my Son (Cody Allen Pyle) and Mom (Judy) at Cody’s High School Graduation in June 2021