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Managing Your Crazy Self

For this month’s focus on “Living in an Insane World”, let’s consider Randy Guttenberger’s book Managing Your Crazy Self: Turning your Turbulence into Tranquility

Guttenberger’s book is designed to give insights into how the brain is wired and how you can manage your constantly working instinctive brain.  This is our greatest challenge.

Knowledge fosters a healthy mind.  A healthy mind fosters healthy relationships.  Healthy relationships foster a healthy society.

Click here for Guttenberger’s advice on Managing Your Crazy Self

Failing Forward

John Maxwell wrote, “I have dedicated my life to adding value to people. I believe that to succeed, a person needs only four things. You can remember them by thinking of the word REAL.”

Consider how to become a REAL success:

  • Relationships: The greatest skill needed for success is the ability to get along with other people. It impacts every aspect of a person’s life. Your relationships make you or they break you.
  • Equipping: One of the most significant lessons Maxwell has learned is that those closest to you determine the level of your success. If your dreams are great, you achieve them only with a team.
  • Attitude: People’s attitudes determine how they approach life day to day. Your attitude, more than your aptitude, will determine your altitude.
  • Leadership: Everything rises and falls on leadership. If you desire to lift the lid on your personal effectiveness, the only way to do it is to increase your leadership skills.

Maxwell wrote a book called Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success to change our attitude about failure.

Click here for a summary of Failing Forward