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The Hero Leader

Each year on April 28th, National Superhero Day honors superheroes, both real and fictional.

As puts it, “Batman, Superman, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Hulk, and Spiderman are just some of the superheroes whose names we recognize. Even though they are fictional, these superheroes provide role models for our children. They serve and protect while fighting evil.

Our real-life superheroes may not have superpowers or wear capes. However, just like fictional superheroes, children also look up to them as role models. They serve and protect their communities. These real-life superheroes also dedicate their lives to helping others, saving lives, or being a mentor. Military personnel, police officers, firefighters, and teachers are just a few of the heroes who protect us on a daily basis.”

What about leaders?  Dr. Stephen R. Graves explores why effective leaders combine both strengths and weaknesses to become The Hero Leader.

Click here to learn more from Dr. Graves

Conceived by the Holy Spirit and Born of the Virgin Mary

While we’re now four months removed from Christmas, this fourth piece of The Apostles’ Creed takes us back to the miracle of Christmas and fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy.

We believe that Jesus Christ was “conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.” Through this confession, the early church Fathers appealed to the virgin birth as proof not that Jesus was truly divine as distinct from being merely human, but that he was truly human as distinct from merely looking human.

If Jesus is just a man, a human being like the rest of us, he shares our need for redemption—and he can’t redeem us.  He is part of the problem, not our solution.  On the other hand, if Jesus is God—and God alone—He has no point of contact with us.  He cannot relate to those who need redemption.  Jesus’ humanity provides that point of contact.  Therefore, we arrive at the conclusion that Jesus must be divine and human if He is to redeem us.

Yes, for Jesus to be Savior, He must be both God and man, and in order to achieve this union between God and humanity, Jesus must be conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary!

Click here for more from Myers, Chandler, Packer, and Mohler