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Leadership Bible

God says, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’” – Isaiah 46:10

Looking ahead into the future—that great unknown—is an integral characteristic of effective leadership.  Here are three keys to successful long-range planning:

1.  Determine Where You’re Going

“Where are we heading?” is a question every responsible follower must ask and every responsible leader must answer.  This is true both individually and organizationally.  Individually, I like to set aside time for reflection and planning to set my goals for the coming year…and beyond…

Organizationally, in my first leadership role, I tried the same approach.  I reflected and planned then presented a beautifully-written vision to my team.  As you might expect, it fell flat.  I’ve since learned that a shared vision—produced with the team and by the team—is much more effective than any vision I can create for the team…


2.  Make a Plan

Woe to the organization whose leaders don’t project into the future, don’t set goals, fail to anticipate opportunities and obstacles, and neglect to design today’s strategy based upon tomorrow’s anticipated outcomes.  Visions and strategies often fail due to poor execution.  As a leader, you need to help the team determine the hows and whats to make the vision a reality.  Who is responsible for taking action to move the vision forward?

Individually, it works the same way.  At work, I recommend a Skillsoft (on-line learning module) class called, “Managing Your Career:  Making a Plan.”  It guides the learner through a series of questions that will lead the reader to a good plan for a career…

Once you have a plan, consult counsel from people you respect.  For Christian leaders, this means seeking direction from God’s Holy Spirit and counsel from godly people to help evaluate your plans.

I think Dr. Carter McNamara describes the impact of effective planning well in his article “All About Strategic Planning”.  He says, “Simply put, strategic planning determines where an organization is going over the next year or more, how it’s going to get there and how it’ll know if it got there or not…  Strategic planning can be exhilarating when coming up with new visions, missions, and values…but without careful action planning–and diligently ensuring actions are carried out–the plan ends up collecting dust on a shelf.”

3.  Keep Sight of the Big Picture

It’s easy to focus so much of our attention on short-term goals and objectives that we overlook the bigger long-term picture.  In this way, we can be like turkeys at night, fumbling around trying to find our way…  From this perspective, things may appear out of control…

That’s why we need to keep the Big Picture in mind.  For Christian leaders, we have confidence that God is ordering all things in such a way that they will reach a glorious consummation…

So, take some time today to use your most powerful leadership tool and ask yourself:

Do I have an “Eagle Eye” for the future, or am I more like a nocturnal turkey…bumbling around from one thing to the next without a clear long-range plan?

I hope you find that you’re an Eagle, shooting for the stars!

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