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I don’t know about you, but I find that it’s hard to simplify, and narrowing the focus seems difficult, if not impossible.  That’s why we need to be intentional about clarifying and simplifying life.

For me, 2018 will bring some significant transitions.  At NASA, we are re-vamping the delivery model for Human Resources.  For more than 50 years, we’ve had a decentralized model, which means that my team at the Johnson Space Center is responsible for delivering the full range of HR services to our Center customers—from Strategic Workforce Planning & Analytics to Advisory & Consulting Services to Organization & Leadership Development to Hiring, Staffing, Training, and more.  In the future, we will focus on delivering services across the Agency.  HR Advisory Services will continue to be provided to local customers, but other services will be managed centrally for the Agency.

On the home front, our daughter, Katy, will graduate from High School and head off to college this year.  She is planning to attend Dallas Baptist University and study Elementary Education.

Our home dynamics will shift, as Katy serves as a great big sister to her two younger brothers.  At the same time, Cody will start driving this year; and Tanner will enter Middle School…so for the first time in 12 years, we will no longer have a student at North Pointe Elementary.

Last Thursday, our family discussed our “One Word” choices as a fun way to focus in 2018:

  • Jennifer: Discipline (refer to my previous advice to Show Discipline; That post highlighted my discipline with eating and its impact on my weight in 2016.  Throughout 2017, I was not as focused, and the results show.  I’m at the age and stage in life where I can’t just “let it happen.”  So, I’m trying the free Lose It! App this year, which is similar to Weight Watchers.)
  • Katy: Trust (Trusting God with her future)
  • Cody: Responsibility (Knowing that Driving brings Freedom)
  • Tanner: Focus (Practicing More Mindfulness in 2018)

Next Thursday, our HR Leadership Team at NASA will share our One Word focus for the year with one another.  If you’d like to try it out, you can refer to for more information, resources, and a one-page overview of the One Word process.

When I consider the “endings” ahead this year, it can sadden me.  So, my One Word for the year is Optimism.

After choosing to focus on Optimism, I read a couple of Jon Gordon’s other books during the break, including:  The Power of Positive Leadership and The No Complaining RuleTo emphasize my One Word, I’ve used some of Gordon’s thoughts to create a personal listing of “Do’s & Don’ts” that will help me remain Optimistic this year:  

  • Stay Positive. Smile & Laugh More.
  • Look for Opportunities to Love, Serve, and Care
  • Implement the “No Complaining Rule,” using these three techniques:
  1. The But → Positive Technique. This simple strategy helps you turn your complaints into positive thoughts, solutions, and actions. It works like this. When you realize you are complaining, you simply add the word but and then add a positive thought or positive action.
  2. Focus on “Get To” instead of “Have To.” Focus on what you get to do. Focus on feeling blessed instead of stressed. Focus on gratitude.
  3. Turn Complaints into Solutions. The goal is not to eliminate all complaining. The intent is to eliminate the kind of mindless complaining that doesn’t serve a greater purpose and allow complaining that is justified and worthwhile. With justified complaining you identify a problem, and the complaint moves you toward a solution. Every complaint represents an opportunity to turn a negative into a positive.


    • Waste time on gossip, issues of the past, negative thoughts, or things you can’t control.
    • No Energy Vampires allowed.

I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. - Mahatma Gandhi

  • Lose Patience. Remember, anything worthwhile takes time to build.


Living Out the One Word

I plan to keep my One Word front and center this year.  I’ve already shared it with my family and soon will share it with my Leadership Team, so all will hold me accountable to a year of Optimism.

Gordon points out, “If you share your One Word with your Stretch Team—that inner circle of friends, teammates and family most important to you and whom you trust without hesitation—you will ensure your growth this year.”

May your One Word for 2018 serve you well, as you shoot for the stars!

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