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Brady & Jennifer from Summer 2019 on our trip to Washington, D.C. with Tanner

This is a special time of January.  We celebrate our 23rd Anniversary today!  Tomorrow is #NationalSpousesDay, which reminds us to take time for our spouse.  From being thankful for our long-term relationship to the boost of well-being provided by spouses, there are many reasons to celebrate.  This day is a time to show your spouse that you care and appreciate all of the things that he or she does for you, your home, and your family.

Life gets busy, and we can often take for granted how our spouse improves our life.  National Spouses Day is meant to be a non-gift giving day, so spend time together and reconnect. Don’t forget to say, “I love you.”

So, let me start on this Spouses Day and every day thereafter, “I love you, Jennifer.”

Not so long ago, I read Dave and Ann Wilson’s Vertical Marriage: The One Secret That Will Change Your Marriage.  They offer a lot of tips and perspectives that are helpful in marriage, and I figured today was a good day to share those.

Click here for a summary of Vertical Marriage

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