Are You Helping People Win at Work?

Helping People Win at Work

From last week’s NIV Leadership Bible, we learned that justice is often expressed in acts of mercy and compassion, particularly for widows, orphans, foreigners, and the poor (see Out of This World Leaders Let Justice Roll). In the mid-1990’s, I attended graduate school, pursuing a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management. In that program and in a variety of business publications since then, I’ve seen the advice that leaders should focus their time and energy on their A-players—ensuring a greater rate of return…

In more recent years, I’ve been on a learning journey related to Diversity & Inclusion (learn more about my journey here). From that, I’ve learned that leaders need to take care of all their people…not just the stars. To ensure success, it’s important that every member of the team be committed to the organization and engaged.

That’s why I like Ken Blanchard and Garry Ridge’s book – Helping People Win at Work: A Business Philosophy Called “Don’t Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A”.  To continue, click here.

Out of This World Leaders Let Justice Roll…

Week 28 of the NIV Leadership Bible focuses on the important leadership skill of Justice.

In Amos’ time, the people of Israel were prosperous…but with that prosperity, they lost their spiritual edge. God was furious with them for compromising his principles to make a dollar. Leaders who should’ve administered justice didn’t. Ultimately, God offered them an opportunity for repentance and restoration. In order to please God, the leaders needed to exercise justice and righteousness (as noted in Amos 5:24 – pictured above).

What was true in ancient Israel remains true today. People thrive in a setting where fairness and justice are practiced. How would those closest to you evaluate the way you treat people? Would they say you’re biased or that you play favorites? Or are you fair and just?

To improve your Out of This World Leadership skills, click here.