The Perfecter of Our Faith, Jesus Christ

Hebrews 11 has been an epic survey of characters from the Old Testament empowered by God to endure by faith.  When you think about it, Jesus demonstrated all the characteristics of faith explored in Hebrews 11.  He was:

  • Confident in God’s word in his preaching
  • Commended for his faith at his baptism
  • Obedient to his Father, even to death on a cross
  • Patient with his accusers
  • Sacrificial in his suffering for our sins
  • Aspirational in welcoming children and in training disciples
  • Courageous before the Sandhedrin
  • Self-denying in his evangelistic ministry
  • Empowered by his faith to pray constantly and to endure appalling injustice

Where would you place yourself right now in the race toward a faith-filled life:

  • On the bench?
  • Running steadily?
  • Ready to quit?
  • Sidetracked by a different goal?

Click here to learn more about the perfecter of our faith, Jesus Christ

How God Makes Men: Ten Epic Stories & Proven Principles

In his book How God Makes Men: Ten Epic Stories. Ten Proven Principles. One Huge Promise for Your Life., Patrick Morley writes, “Because God is good, your life will not turn out like you planned. That’s because God has a better plan.”

Morley provides principles from the following ten Bible characters:

  1. Abraham: How God makes a man’s faith stronger
  2. Joseph: How God shapes men for a higher purpose
  3. Moses: How God changes a man’s character
  4. Gideon: How God turns a man’s fear and weakness into strength
  5. David: How God rescues men when they go astray
  6. Solomon: How God shows men the true path to happiness
  7. Nehemiah: How God calls men to action
  8. Job: How God molds men through suffering
  9. Peter: How God equips men to reach other men
  10. Paul: How God empowers men to fully follow Christ

Click here to learn from more from Patrick Morley through these ten epic stories