Leading in Tough Times

The last couple of years have presented some significant challenges for leaders.  Many have hunkered down and isolated themselves.

In the Summer of 2021, prolific leadership guru and author penned Leading in Tough Times: Overcome Even the Greatest Challenges with Courage and Confidence.  Maxwell noted, “Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself.”

Tough times provide an invitation to opportunity.  In Life’s Greatest Lessons, Hal Urban writes, “Once we accept the fact that life is hard, we begin to grow. We begin to understand that every problem is also an opportunity.”

Nothing worth having in life comes without effort. That is why psychiatrist M. Scott Peck begins his book The Road Less Traveled with the words “Life is difficult.” If we don’t understand and accept the truth that life is difficult, that leadership is difficult, then we set ourselves up for failure and we won’t learn or succeed.

Click here to learn more from John Maxwell about Leading in Tough Times

Abel Speaks to Us Today

As Trillia Newbell noted in her study entitled A Great Cloud of Witnesses: A Study of Those Who Lived by Faith, God wasn’t pleased with Cain’s offering because it wasn’t a sacrificial offering.  Cain offered the leftovers rather than the first fruits. Abel’s offering, however, was a sign of his faith—it was sacrificial.

Abel lived a short life—one that, looking on from a distance, would seem too tragic for anything good to come of it.  He was the first person murdered in the Old Testament, and he died a senseless death at the hands of his own brother.  But in his short life, Abel leaves us a legacy of faith.  His faithful sacrifice is written for us to remember; his faith still speaks to us today.  And it is noted that God counted Abel as righteous because of his faith (Hebrews 11:4).

Most of us will only be remembered by our immediate family—but we can leave a legacy of faith.  May our faith still speak, even if only to our immediate family.

Click here to learn more about Faith from Abel