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There are three kinds of people on the path of folly:  the mocker, the simple, and the fool.  Solomon describes them vividly and the consequences of living like them, so he can dissuade his son from choosing their path.


The Mocker

According to Webster’s Dictionary, a mocker treats “others with contempt or ridicule.”  There is an underlying anger and resentment to the mocker, who is generally disagreeable and unpleasant.

People generally don’t like hanging around the mocker, who doesn’t seem to want to hear from others or learn new things.  In fact, they avoid the wise people around them.  Mockers tend to stir things up, so it’s wise to drive them out in order to end the quarrels and strife they cause.

Ultimately, God mocks the mocker (Proverbs 3:34).


The Simple

My recent post asked, “Are you a Simpleton?

The Simpleton is both naïve (he or she will believe anything) and oblivious (he or she will keep going in the face of danger).


The Fool

Proverbs provides us with a comprehensive look at the fool’s characteristics:

  • Despises wisdom and knowledge (1:7)
  • Chases fantasies instead of working hard (12:11 & 14:12)
  • Shows annoyance and rage quickly (12:16 & 29:11)
  • Unresponsive to repeated correction (17:10)
  • Unfocused with wandering eyes (17:24)

Fools will chase to the ends of the earth the “get-rich-quick” schemes rather than focusing on wisdom, hard work, and moral living.


Routine Work

Those who work the land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies have no sense. Proverbs 12:11

Routine work may not be sexy, but it is necessary if we are to meet our own needs and the needs of those who depend on us. The same work, day in and day out, can seem simple and boring, but it is a test of our faithfulness.  And remember that faithfulness is a fruit of the Spirit, showcasing Jesus Christ to others.

Be careful not to be led astray by fantasies that lead nowhere. No gimmick or conniving circumstance can replace hard work. Wisdom stops chasing after the next scheme and sticks instead to the certainty of available work.

See your routine work as your worship of the Lord.  Excellence in what you do attracts attention to what Almighty God can do. He is your audience of one in your routine work.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving (Colossians 3:23-24). 

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