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Jennifer Leigh (2-2014)

As a student of leadership, I am constantly on the lookout for lessons that I can learn to be a better leader.  Today, I don’t have to look very far…it’s my wife’s birthday!  We just celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary a few weeks ago…January 25th to be exact…

A few years back, we received a book called Married for Life:  Inspirations from those married 50 years or more.  The book is filled with a variety of wisdom from those whose marriages have gone the distance.  One piece of advice that I appreciate is to “love each other and share common goals.”  The book asks, “What better partnership is there than that of a loving husband and wife striving together to achieve common goals?  And who better to join forces with than the one you love, the person with whom you’ve chosen to share your deepest hopes, your fondest dreams, and your very life?”  I’ve definitely found that to be the case over the last 17 years…

So, what lessons have I learned from Jennifer on leadership recently?  To C.A.R.E. for the people you love and the promises you make.

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