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photo credit: josullivan.59 Lincoln Memorial #2 via photopin (license)

One week ago marked the 205th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth on February 12th.  On Monday, I was able to celebrate a day off for President’s Day.  So, it is fitting that we turn to Donald T. Phillips’ book, Lincoln on Leadership.  In the book, Phillips provides “executive strategies for tough times.”  It’s a quick read that really touches at the core of leadership and the man who exemplified the subject best, Abraham Lincoln.

Donald T. Phillips does a nice job of extracting the jewels of leadership wisdom by analyzing the historical events, including Lincoln’s writings and actions from his time in office.

The contents of the book are presented in four parts:  People; Character; Endeavor; and Communication.  Throughout the book, we see the extraordinary attributes of an American legend.  Abe’s honesty, integrity, and tenacity are all characteristics that should be mimicked by those of us who call ourselves students of leadership…who are shooting for the stars!

Click here to read more about the 12 lessons I gleaned from Lincoln on Leadership and how I’ve applied those lessons over the years.

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