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Charles Stanley on Intimacy with God

Even though it’s been more than 30 years, I still remember well my Little League Baseball Coach, Dwight Deck, who taught us as much about life as he did about baseball.  He would gather his team of 11 and 12 year-old boys and talk about life’s priorities: (1) God & Church; (2) Family; (3) School; and (4) Baseball.  Coach Deck was a man of integrity and influence, serving as a living example of those priorities.

Today, it seems that lists of priorities are often changing and shifting.  At NASA, in fact, we emphasize being agile and adaptive to change—trying to learn from some difficult lessons about changes in priorities following the last Presidential administration transition in 2009.  Now, we await guidance and direction from President-elect Trump and his administration’s transition to power.  As a result, we recognize that today’s priorities may not be tomorrow’s priorities…

Exodus 20:3 and the First Commandment offer a different perspective.  The first of God’s “Ten Words” say, “No other gods before Me”, serving as a foundation four our faith in the One True God and providing direction to align our lives around Him and His purposes.

God should not be just “a priority” in a list of priorities but “the priority” and focus for our lives!

Click here for more about the First Commandment and leadership.

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