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In the context of the other beatitudes, “purity of heart” points to our relationships.  The pure in heart live their whole lives—public and private—transparent before others.  How many of us really do that?  Or do we wear a different mask, according our role in the situation:  husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, manager, employee, friend, neighbor, volunteer, church member…?

Philosopher-theologian Søren Kierkegaard famously said, “Purity of heart is to will one thing.”  Purity of heart does not have any mixture of affection or loyalty.  It belongs wholly to the Lord.  This kind of purity is all or nothing.  While 99.44% pure might work for Ivory soap, it doesn’t work for the heart.

How can one live that way?  Continue reading for perspectives on the sixth beatitude from John MacArthur, Jennifer Kennedy Dean, and John Stott.

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