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We should all be about the business of finding, discussing and furthering solutions to our problems. But none of that can be done without at first speaking honestly about the problems we confront, with whoever in our ranks will listen and respond. - Michael Eric Dyson

Have you ever known real persecution?  I have not…but I’ve been learning a lot about other perspectives over the past several years (as noted in my “Diversity & Inclusion Incompetency” Journey).

Earlier this year, I read Michael Eric Dyson’s Tears We Cannot Stop, as I seek to gain a perspective that is very different from my own.

According to Dyson, America is in trouble, and a lot of that trouble—perhaps most of it—has to do with race. Everywhere we turn, there is discord and division, death and destruction.  Black and white people don’t merely have different experiences; we seem to occupy different universes, with worldviews that are fatally opposed to one another.

Of course, America is far from simply black and white by whatever definition you use, but the black-white divide has been the major artery through which the meaning of race has flowed throughout the body politic.

As Luke 12:48 puts it, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”  As we pass through this Thanksgiving season, many of us have reflected on how much we’ve been given!

Click here to for more of Michael Eric Dyson’s Sermon to White America

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