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There is no harder lesson for man to learn than the lesson of humility. It is the rarest of all gifts. It is a very rare thing to find a man or woman that is following closely the footsteps of the Master in meekness and humility. - Dwight L. Moody

Earlier this year on #BeHumbleDay, I provided a summary of Andrew Kerr’s The Humility Imperative.  Now, we’ll turn our attention to what the Bible says about humility.

In my Proverbs study, Solomon points out that it is impossible to be committed to the way of wisdom and at the same time manifest selfish pride.  Pride literally means “to be high, exalted, or haughty.”  Pride is regarding yourself as the most important person around.

Humility, on the other hand, is finding your worth so securely in God’s unearned favor that you are not very concerned about self-esteem at all.  A humble person doesn’t put himself down, avoid compliments, or play the martyr.

Click here to learn more from the Bible on Humility

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