Celebration is at the heart of the way of Christ. In this advent season, we consider how Jesus entered the world on a high note of jubilation. The angel cried out, “I bring you good news of a great joy, which shall come to all the people” (Luke 2:10).
A season of Celebration started with the birth of Jesus Christ, then there was a quiet season, as He grew and matured. More than 30 years after his birth, Jesus initiated His public ministry. André Trocmé in Jésus-Christ et la révolution non-violente and later John Howard Yoder in The Politics of Jesus go to some length to demonstrate that Jesus began His public ministry by proclaiming the year of Jubilee (Luke 4:18, 19).
In the Old Testament all the social stipulations of the year of Jubilee—canceling all debts, releasing slaves, planting no crops, returning property to the original owner—were a celebration of the gracious provision of God.
Celebration brings joy into life, and joy makes us strong. Scripture tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). That’s an important verse to our family, as it’s reflected in our Family Mission Statement.
Click here for more from Richard Foster on the Discipline of Celebration