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On the Tuesday after Labor Day (September 6th), I took some time for some personal strategic planning (to learn more about what that entails, refer to my 2016 post “Strategic Planning for You”). As I considered my role as a father, God impressed on me that I needed to pour more intentionally into Cody and Tanner, so we started weekly devotions where we each share a verse for discussion.  This week, we expanded our time to include Jennifer, Katy, and Evan as part of my birthday dinner celebration.  For my verse, I focused on Enoch in Genesis 5:22-24.

Enoch’s life is summed up in just fifty-one words in the Old Testament!  Yet the author of Hebrews singles him out as a man of great faith. In LifeGuide Bible Studies’ Heroes of Faith, Douglas Connelly points out how Hebrews 11:5 addresses Enoch as a “hero of faith.” What distinguished Enoch was that he “walked with God” (Genesis 5:24) and he “pleased God” (Hebrews 11:5). Wow, now that’s a great eulogy!

In fact, Enoch’s relationship with God was so close that his removal from earth to heaven didn’t interrupt a thing!

What would you ask Enoch if you could interview him today?

What desires does Enoch’s walk of faith prompt in you?

Click here to learn more about Faith from the life of Enoch

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