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Today marks the end of this year’s National Stress Awareness month.  Over the years, the Center for Creative Leadership has provided leaders with resources in managing their stress levels.  In 2006, they surveyed a number of leaders, seeking to answer the question “How does stress impact leadership?”  Their typical respondent was a lot like me:  male between the ages of 41 and 50, representing upper-middle management or the executive level, who said the following:

  • 88% reported that work is a primary source of stress in their lives and that having a leadership position increases the level of stress.
  • More than 60% cited their organizations as failing to provide them with the tools they need to manage stress.
  • Physical exercise was the most commonly cited method leaders use to manage stress, yet only 10% indicate their organizations provide access to gyms.
  • More than 90% said they manage stress by temporarily removing themselves, either physically or mentally, from the source of their stress.

Fortunately, that survey data is old, and things have changed, right?

Well, not so fast…  So, on this last day of April—Stress Awareness Month—let’s take a closer look at how we can reduce our stress, and I’ll offer my perspectives of what’s worked and what hasn’t worked for me.

Click here to learn 8 tips for Stress Reduction

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