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I believeAs Albert Mohler pointed out, these two words are among the most explosive words any human can utter.  They open the door to eternal life and are the foundation of the Christian faith.  Belief stands as the very center of Christian faithfulness and is where Christianity begins for the Christian.

J.I. Packer observes that in worship, the Creed is said in unison.  However, the opening words are “I believe”—not “we”: each worshiper speaks for himself.  When he says, “I believe,” it is an act of praise and thanksgiving on his part.

Then, Ben Myers notes when we say the creed, we must recognize that we are not just expressing our own views or our own priorities.  We are joining our voices to a great communal voice that calls out across the centuries from every tribe and tongue.

Click here for more from Myers, Chandler, Packer, Mohler, and McGrath

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