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It’s been a while since I’ve blogged…  In fact, I’ve taken a 90-day break since my last post.  It’s almost like I was practicing “The Pause Principle”…but not quite…

So, where have I been?  What have I been doing?

Let me take you on a journey…  In 2013, I started blogging during the Government Shutdown when I had a lot of time on my hands.  In the beginning, I posted twice per week.  Eventually, I found that I was spending more time on the computer than I was with my family, so I made some adjustments and went to weekly postings.  In September 2014, I started summarizing my monthly posts in a newsletter to subscribers (if you’re interested, check out the sidebar on the right side of my home page).

In March of this year, I started a new role at work.  As supervisor for the HR Directors across NASA’s 10 field centers that span across the country, more remote work is required…and we’re in the start-up phase of consolidating HR operations across NASA.  It’s taken me some time to hit my stride, leaving less time to blog recently…plus, this was a particularly significant Spring for our family with Katy’s graduation from High School and Tanner’s graduation from Elementary.

Click here to learn more about my last 90 days.

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