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Lead Like Jesus

Matthew 20:25-28:  Jesus called them together and said, “You know the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them.  Not so with you.   Instead, whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant…”

Wow…that’s a bold title, especially in many of today’s politically correct organizations…and it would be in my organization as well.  Blanchard & Hodges allay those concerns when they point out:

“If your organizational culture doesn’t easily let you talk about Jesus, don’t worry.  Just behave as He did and become a great servant leader.  Then when people are attracted to the way you lead and ask you about it, you can share with them whom you follow.  When people look at you, let them see Jesus.”

Their book, Lead Like Jesus is a tool to help you take God beyond the spiritual compartment of your private spiritual life and to give Him free rein in all your daily actions and relationships, especially your leadership roles.

Click here to learn about the Heart, Head, Hands, and Habits of a Servant Leader (like Jesus)

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